News 2025

Captain's New Year Message

Dear Members

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
President Geoff Sable and I have thoroughly enjoyed our year. Being your Captain has been a great honour and a privilege and I thank you all for your courtesy and the respect shown to me during my term in Office. We also thank you for the generous support that we have received. It has been a pleasure but all too soon it is almost over. My club Captaincy Passed quickly but this year has simply been a blur.

The first competition fixture in 2025 will be the Founders Day Trophy to be held at Chorley Golf Club on Tuesday 6th May, followed by the A.G.M. at which Peter Keown will be installed as Captain and Tony Gregory as President, along with the new Executive appointments.
Besides our regular matches and competitions last year saw us play in our first inter county match at St Mellion Cornwall. I must say that all who attended last year had an excellent time. Once again new friendships were made.

For 2025 the Competitions team has managed to reserve a super set of courses for both competitions and Society matches.
During the year we play both home and away matches against other society captains, they are played in a friendly atmosphere with lots of camaraderie
To check our golfing program and details for registration and entry, please check our website ( All Members are eligible to play and we look forward to your participation.

As usual we are indebted to the band of volunteers who work tirelessly throughout the year to arrange and organise the matches. By definition, volunteers are people who provide a service free of charge, but that does not mean they are worthless – they are in fact, priceless, and I am sure all our members will join me in thanking them for their loyal service
We will be holding the Annual Dinner once again at the splendid Worsley Marriott on 6th November; full details will be available soon.

In concluding I wish you all a wonderful golfing year playing in beautiful sunshine!
Yours Sincerely

Steve Misell - Captain